Doctrine canadienne

Monographies et ouvrages collectifs

BONDY, V., Mulcahy, L., Doyle, M. et V. Reid, Mediation and judicial review: an empirical research, London, UK, The Public Law Project, 2009

FARROW, Trevor C.W., Civil Justice, Privatization, and Democracy, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2014

THIBAULT, J. Les procédures de règlements amiable des litiges au Canada, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2000

Articles de revue et études d’ouvrages collectifs

BONDY, V., « Who Needs ADR? » (2004) 9 Judicial Review 306

BONDY, V., DOYLE, M., et V. REID, « Mediation and Judicial Review: Mind the Research Gap » (2005) 10 Judicial Review 220

BRANNAGAN, C., « Police Misconduct and Public Accountability: A Commentary on Recent Trends in the Canadian Justice System » (2011) 30 W.R.L.S.I. 61

CARDOZO, M. A., « The Use of ADR Involving Local Governments: The Perspective of the New York City Corporation Counsel » (2007) 34 Fordham Urban L.J. 797

CARTIER, G., « Administrative Discretion as Dialogue: A Response to John Willis » (2005) 55 U. Toronto L.J. 629.

CHAMBERLAIN, E., « Fiduciary Aspects of Misfeasance in a Public Office » (2014) 39 Q.L.J. 733

CAMPAGNOLO, Y., « A Rational Approach to Cabinet Immunity under the Common Law » (2017) 55 Alta L.Rev. 43

CHERNIAWSKY, K., « Enforcement of Health Care Rights and Administrative Law » (1996) 4 Health L.J. 35

COYLE, M. « Defending the Weak and Fighting Unfairness: Can Mediators Respond to the Challenge? » (1998) 36-4 O.H.L.J. 62

DALY, P., « The Policy/Operational Distinction: A View from Administrative Law » (2015) 69 S.C.L.R. 17

DAY, S., « Rolling Back Human Rights in BC: An Assessment of Bill 53 – The Government of British Columbia’s Draft Human Rights Legislation » (September 2002) Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

DICKSON, B., DOELLE, M. et A. J. SINCLAIR, « Mediation in Environmental Assessments in Canada: Unfulfilled Promise? » (2010) 33 D.L.J. 117

DOWNIE, J. et B. WHITE, « Prosecutorial Discretion in Assisted Dying in Canada: A Proposal for Charging Guidelines » (2012) 6 McGill J. L.&H. 113

EDWARDS, H. T., « Alternative means of Dispute Resolution in Government: A Sense of Perspective » (1987) 1 Admin. L.J. 459

ERDLE, M., « Med-Arb: Efficiency vs. Justice » (2017) SLAW: Canada’s online legal magazine

FARROW, T. C. W., « Public Justice, Private Dispute Resolution and Democracy » (2008) Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy. Research Paper No. 18/2008

FLAHERTY, M. et L. REAUME, « Mediation-Arbitration in Ontario: Labour Relations, Human Rights, and Beyond? » (2017) 30 C.J.A.L.P. 351

FLANNIGAN, R., « Crown Agent Status », (1988) 67 Can. B. Rev. 229

GELLHORN, W., DUNLOP, J. T., EDWARDSH. T. et C. B. KUHL, « Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution in Government: A Sense of Perspective », (1987) 1 Admin. L.J. 459

GOLDENBERG, S. L., « Tort Actions Against the Crown in Ontario », dans LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, Special lectures: New Developments in the Law of Torts, Richard de Boo Limited, Toronto, 1973

GRAY, O. V., « Protecting the Confidentiality of Communications in Mediation », (1998) 36 O.H.L.J. 667

GRIFFITH, J.A.G., « Public Corporations as Crown Servants », (1952) 9 U. Toronto L.J. 169

HADSKIS, H. et P. CARVER, « The Long Arm of Administrative Law: Applying Administrative Law Principles to Research Ethics Boards », (2005) 13 Health L.R. 19

HARTER P. J. et al., « Institutionalizing Alternative Dispute Resolution: Where Does the Government Go From Here? », (1987) 1 Admin. L.J. 509

HOULE, F. et D. MOCKLE, « Conciliation des litiges et formes alternatives de régulation en droit administratif fédéral », (1998) 36 O.H.L.J. 703

HOXIE, T., « Protecting Confidentiality in Mediation », (1984) 98 H.L.R. 441

KERANS, R. P., « The Practice of ADR as It has Evolved in Canada », Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (Presented at the Conference : The Judiciary as Third Branch of Government : Manifestations and Challenges to Legitimacy on October 13-16, 1999)

KIDNER, J., « The Limits of Mediator “Labels”: False Debate between “Facilitative” versus “Evaluative” Mediator Styles », (2011) 30 W.R.L.S.I. 167

KUHL, C. B., « Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution in Government: A Sense of Perspective » (1987) 1 Admin. L.J. 459

MACNAUGHTON, H., « The Role of Mediation in Human Rights Disputes », dans Doing Justice: Dispute Resolution in the Courts and Beyond, a collection of papers presented in Halifax at the 2007 CIAJ annual conference for practitioners, academics, judges and other professionals, 2007

MUNDELL, D. W., « Legal Nature of Federal and Provincial Executive Governments: Some Comments on Transactions Between Them », (1960) 2 Osgoode Hall L.J. 56

OSBORNE-BROWN, S., « The “Right To Sue” as Access to Justice : Discrimination in Employment before the Courts in Canada and California », (2014) 18 C.L.E.L.J. 291

PERINO, M. A., « Drafting Mediation Privileges: Lessons from the Civil Justice Reform Act », (1995) Faculty Publications 73.

ROACH, K., « Making Progress on Understanding and Remedying Racial Profiling » (2004) 41 Alta L. Rev. 895

ROBERGE, J.-F., « Emerging Trends in Access to Justice and Dispute Resolution in Canada », (2014) 4 Revue canadienne d’arbitrage et de médiation 69

SEWKAN FONTAINE, L., « Intercultural Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts », (2005) 30 Q.L.J. 912

SMYTH, G., « Strengthening Social Justice in Informal Dispute Resolution Processes through Cultural Competence » (2009) 27 Windsor Y.B. Access Just. 111

SNIDER, J. A. et C. K. YATES, « Alternative Dispute Resolution: Use and Abuse of Information and Specialized Knowledge », (1995) 33 Alta L.Rev. 301

SOSSIN, L., « ADR and the Public Interest », présenté à la conference : Into the Future : The Agenda for Civil Justice Reform le 2 mai 2006, Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, 2006

SUNKIN, M., CALVO, K. et V. BONDY, « Judicial Review in Action: An Emprirical Perspective », (2006) 11 Judicial Review 275

SWANSON, E. J., « Alternative Dispute Resolution and Environmental Conflict: The Case for Law Reform », (1995) 34 Alta L. Rev. 267

TAYLOR, M., P. FIELD, SUSSKIND, L. et W. TILLEMAN, « Using Mediation in Canadian Environmental Tribunals: Opportunities and Best Practices », (1999) 22 D.L.J. 51

WATSON HAMILTON, J., « Protecting Confidentiality in Mandatory Mediation: Lessons from Ontario and Saskatchewan », (1999) 24 Q.L.J. 561

WINKLER, W. K., « Access to Justice, Mediation: Panacea or Pariah? », (2007) 16 Revue canadienne d’arbitrage et de médiation 5

WOOLLEY, A., « The Devil is in the Disclosure: The Role of R. v. Stinchcombe in Establishing Appropriate Disclosure Rules for Administrative Tribunals » (2002) 40 Alta L. Rev. 717


ALBERTA HUMAN RIGHTS AND CITIZENSHIP COMMISSION, Using Mediation to Resolve Human Rights Issues in the Workplace, Alberta, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta, 2003

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